Everyone knows that the sexiest thing on a man is a really big....brain. These designs have more style than Stephan Hawking has IQ points.
Periodic Table Bow Tie
This tie's got so much chemistry, even Bill Nye wears it. Remember learning how many H's you needed for every O? Forget H-2-O, you're going...
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Math Equation Blue Bow Tie
If you can solve this equation, you might be able to guess where our founder went to graduate school. Grab this bow tie for your...
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Atomic Bow Tie
The beginning of the universe, nuclear fission, a really great outfit; they all start with a fundamental building block -- the atom. We were going to...
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Dinosaur Bow tie
Remember when you couldn't figure out if you like Dinosaurs or Robots better? So do we. As part of our ever expanding collection of amazing...
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Galactic Bow Tie
LOG ENTRY: SOL 6This bow tie is pretty much the greatest freaking bow tie in the galaxy. That’s my considered opinion. Woven with silver thread from the...
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The BB-8 Droid Bow Tie
The next generation droid is here on our next generation robot bow tie. Turns out this IS the droid you're looking for. Wear this one...
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Contour Map Bow Tie
Bow tie wearers are going places. And this topographical contour map bow tie will help you get there. Although this isn't an actual place, we...
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Dinosaur Bow Tie Version 2.0
The last time we brought you dinosaurs - they went extinct way to fast! Now we're back with Triceratops and a little history lesson. The...
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Robot Bow Tie
Working down the hall from the Robotics lab, it was only a matter of time until we made a robot tie. But don't worry these...
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Spaceship Bow Tie
We've gotten some buzz at NASA and we wanted to make sure they knew we're thinking of them. Tie on this rocket ship bow tie,...
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Chalkboard Math Proofs Bow Tie
Maybe you're a sleep deprived PhD student working on a theory no one has ever heard of. Maybe you just want to LOOK like a...
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Literature Bow Tie
Although our roots are in the sciences, we know that literature feeds the soul, and so we made this literary inspired bow tie for all...
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America Bow Tie
USA! USA! For those on the fact-checking OoOTIE Team.... yes we know we only brought you the great 48. The design team was able to...
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Tardis (Police Booth) Bow Tie
Sold Out
The only thing harder than picking out an outfit is picking a favorite Doctor. But any Whovian will tell you that any Doctor Who isn't...
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